Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thought of the day...

Why is it that in 2009 we still have to endure draconian and wrongly stereotypical representations of libraries and librarians by the media! I know that we all know the truth...that librarians rock...but how long before this accurate portrayal is taken up by the media at large.
This week, an job advertisement for a position at a radio station is being aired on said radio station...the ad suggests that the job will be fun and exciting and nothing like working in a library!! Needless to say there has been outrage at my workplace over such a ridiculous positioning of libraries NOT being fun and exciting places to work...
I guess the important thing is that we all know the truth...despite what the media keeps telling us to the contrary


Well...I successfully posted some photos on Flickr and even invited my mother-in-law on so she could view the photos I had put up. Check my page out at: It's kind of cool and I am still getting my head around sets and batches. As a librarian, tagging just drives me and I find it just too difficult to add them because they ARE NOT AUTHORITY CONTROLLED...and I am not even a cataloguer...I can only imagine the brain explosions that our beloved cataloguers are having with the notion of un-verified subject headings...eeekk! Thanks to Mary K whose page I used for setting out and administrative inspiration...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What librarians look like...

So I'm checking out the internet to see what librarians look like. The results were interesting if a little seems that the majority of the images that exist out in cyberspace of our lot are (a) traditional Nancy Pearl types complete with twin-set and, well, pearls ; (b) cartoon drawings which seem to take their inspiration from the aforementioned type and (c) perhaps the scariest depiction which was made quite an ongoing appearance, buxom librarians with their boobs hanging out and suspender stockings...some doing suspect things with other librarians dressed in the same garb....
So rather than open myself up to critique..which I am sure this will anyway, I have decided to go with this totally draconian and a little bit goth representation of our lot...hey its actually kind of Twilight, so maybe that makes us really darn cool - which, who are we kidding, we sure are!
F*ck Google....Ask Me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So I've realised...

So I've realised that I am really bad at committing to my blog...plenty of bad things have been happening but I don't really want my blog to degenerate too quickly into a "bagging of library customers" tirade...although, you have to admit, they usually are the key contributors of bad days - for instance, I have to post this one because it is just begging to be posted...we have a particularly needy and persistent customer who has been stalking our manager to have his exhibition for Q150 to be displayed in the library. He was telling our manager that he would like to have his exhibition opened by not only the local member but also the Premier. Said "exhibition" arrived at the library yesterday and consisted of a few A4 sheets (created in Word) depicting a time-line and some photocopies of some key documents designated by the timeline...
I think Anna would be suitably impressed...NOT!