Monday, June 29, 2009

RSS Feed-Back...

Bloglines is not only a nifty little aggregator but it has some other great features that you could use to make it a nice little information centre for blog feeds include 2 of my favourite loves, music and movies, an obligatory library-related blog and my "fake" colleague Graham's experiences as a Leed's librarian working down under which are documented in his blog "Librarian Down Under". My real colleague Donna's blog can be found also - Donna is doing Graham's job and vice versa. Of course, SLQ gets a look in there also.
Subscribing to feeds certainly makes keeping up with blog posts much easier, otherwise it can be quite a daunting process. Our library currently has news site RSS feeds embedded into the website but we aren't pushing out RSS content yet - it does have some great possibilities though, particularly for newsy and events content that needs to be pushed out to customers. I have posted a response on Bookishtype Reads blog regarding RSS feeds and their use for like this needs to have a true purpose, not just exist for the sake of 2.0 - great blog Bookishtype Reads, I really enjoy it - especially your Eleanor post...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Facebook does not rule my life!!

My husband would beg to differ, but Facebook does NOT rule my life! I have been a Facebooker for about 12 months or so now and have found it a great tool to touch base with old friends, friends I otherwise would have no hope of reconnecting with. Our Library isn't using Facebook or any other social networking tool for promotion or delivery at the moment...the council that our library is part of does have a Facebook site and I question the true advantage of their having a Facebook site. I think it has great potential for our Young People's Services area...
In the meantime, without Facebook we couldn't share the latest breaking news and teasers with each other from the New Moon film...