Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So I've realised...

So I've realised that I am really bad at committing to my blog...plenty of bad things have been happening but I don't really want my blog to degenerate too quickly into a "bagging of library customers" tirade...although, you have to admit, they usually are the key contributors of bad days - for instance, I have to post this one because it is just begging to be posted...we have a particularly needy and persistent customer who has been stalking our manager to have his exhibition for Q150 to be displayed in the library. He was telling our manager that he would like to have his exhibition opened by not only the local member but also the Premier. Said "exhibition" arrived at the library yesterday and consisted of a few A4 sheets (created in Word) depicting a time-line and some photocopies of some key documents designated by the timeline...
I think Anna would be suitably impressed...NOT!

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