Thursday, April 9, 2009

What librarians look like...

So I'm checking out the internet to see what librarians look like. The results were interesting if a little seems that the majority of the images that exist out in cyberspace of our lot are (a) traditional Nancy Pearl types complete with twin-set and, well, pearls ; (b) cartoon drawings which seem to take their inspiration from the aforementioned type and (c) perhaps the scariest depiction which was made quite an ongoing appearance, buxom librarians with their boobs hanging out and suspender stockings...some doing suspect things with other librarians dressed in the same garb....
So rather than open myself up to critique..which I am sure this will anyway, I have decided to go with this totally draconian and a little bit goth representation of our lot...hey its actually kind of Twilight, so maybe that makes us really darn cool - which, who are we kidding, we sure are!
F*ck Google....Ask Me!

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